Whipt ‘em Everytime: The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone

Author:  Bartlett Yancey Malone Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1960 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/VG Price:  XXX ISBN-10:  0910932069 (assigned after publication) CVB Inv:  00221     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories…

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A Life for the Confederacy: As Recorded in the Pocket Diaries of Pvt. Robert A. Moore

Author:  Robert A. Moore Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1959 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/G Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00222     This book is available only as part of a set. Click here to view the full set. Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued…

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Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie: The Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman

Author:  George Dallas Mosgrove Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1957 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  nearly new/fine Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00223     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by…

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As They Saw Forrest: Some Recollections and Comments of Contemporaries

Editor:  Robert Selph Henry Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1956 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/G+ Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00219     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by McCowat-Mercer…

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Fourteen Hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army

Author:  William W. Heartsill Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1953 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  VG/none Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00218     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by…

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“First with the Most:” Forrest

Author:  Robert Selph Henry Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1969 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/VG Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00220     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by McCowat-Mercer…

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Cleburne and His Command and Pat Cleburne: Stonewall Jackson of the West

Author:  Irving A. Buck Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1958 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/VG Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00216     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by McCowat-Mercer…

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Full Many a Name: The Story of Sam Davis, Scout and Spy, C.S.A.

Author:  Mabel Goode Frantz Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1961 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/near fine Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00217     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by…

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Four Years on the Firing Line

Author:  James Cooper Nisbet Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, 1963 Binding:  hardcover Condition:  fine/fine Price:  XXX ISBN:  Ø CVB Inv:  00224     For information about purchasing this book, or any other book on this site, email [email protected] Description: A volume in the series of out-of-print Confederate memoirs and histories reissued by McCowat-Mercer…

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