McCowat Mercer Press Civil War Memoirs


Publisher:  McCowat-Mercer Press, Jackson TN
Series:  15 volumes
Authors:  Various
Bindings:  Hardcover; 14 volumes with DJ, one volume w/o DJ.
Condition:  F/F (six vols.); F/VG (five vols.); F/G (2 vols.); VG/G (one vol.); VG/ (one vol.)
Price:  $500.00. Shipping is included.


THIS SERIES IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ONLY AS A SET. The volumes are not for sale individually.
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The McCowat-Mercer Press of Jackson TN specialized in “Monographs, Sources, and Reprints in Southern History.” During the period 1952-1969, the press reissued, in limited printings, a series of sixteen Confederate memoirs. These had originally been published between the late-19th and mid-20th centuries and at the time were out of print. The Press selected memoirs that particularly represent the experiences of the ordinary people of the South. These accounts by common soldiers, subordinate officers, and civilians, provide rich insight to daily life on the southern side, and share perspectives very different from those found in the histories written by top-rank political and military leaders. Eminent historians and scholars edited the memoirs, which are themselves now out of print, rare, and prized by Civil War specialists. The fifteen volumes listed here were previously in the private libraries of college professors, and represent a complete set of the McCowat-Mercer Civil War memoirs.

For photographs and detailed information about the condition of an individual volume, click on its link.


Buck, Irving A., Thomas Robson Hay. Cleburne and His Command and Pat Cleburne: Stonewall Jackson of the West. (1958)

Frantz, Mabel Goode. Full Many a Name: The Story of Sam Davis, Scout and Spy, C.S.A. (1961)

Heartsill, William W. Fourteen Hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army. (1953)

Henry, Robert Selph, ed. As They Saw Forrest: Some Recollections and Comments of Contemporaries. (1956)

Henry, Robert Selph. “First with the Most:” Forrest. (1969)

Malone, Bartlett Yancey. Whipt ‘em Everytime: The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone. (1960)

Moore, Robert A. A Life for the Confederacy: As Recorded in the Pocket Diaries of Pvt. Robert A. Moore. (1959)

Mosgrove, George Dallas. Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie: The Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman. (1957)

Nisbet, James Cooper. Four Years on the Firing Line. (1963)

Pember, Phoebe Yates. A Southern Woman’s Story: Life in Confederate Richmond. (1959)

Poague, William T. Gunner with Stonewall: Reminiscences of William Thomas Poague. (1957)

Sorrel, G. Moxley. Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer. (1958)

Watkins, Sam R. “Co. Aytch” Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment; or, A Side Show of the Big Show. (1952)

Wood, William Nathaniel. Reminiscences of Big I. (1956)

Worsham, John H. One of Jackson’s Foot Cavalry. (1964)

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